Quick Personality Quiz

Below are ten blocks with four words in each. In each block, put the number "4" next to the word that best describes you in that question; a "3" next to the word that describes you next best; a "2" to the next best word, and a "1" by the word that least describes you. Inside of each block, you will then have one "4", one "3", one "2", and one "1".

For example, one choice for the first question would be as follows:
3 Likes Authority
4 Enthusiastic
2 Sensitive Feelings
1 Likes Instructions

Block #1
Block #2
Block #3
Block #4
Block #5
Block #6
Block #7
Block #8
Block #9
Block #10

Now that you’ve taken the quiz, what does it all mean?

Each word in the box stands for a particular personality type. While you are a combination of all four personality types, the two types with the highest scores reveal the most accurate picture of your natural inclinations, strengths and weaknesses, and how you will naturally respond in most situations.

The four personality types can be likened to animals to make them easier to understand and remember. Below are complete descriptions of your animals.



Lions are leaders. They are often the bosses at their workplace… or at least that’s what they think. They are decisive and bottom-line individuals who aren’t listeners or watchers but rather are observers. They love to solve problems. They are often individualists and love to find new opportunities and adventures.

Lions are confident and self-reliant. If there is no one else to take charge in a group, the lion will. If they don’t learn to control their aggression, their naturally dominant traits can lead to problems with other people. Many entrepreneurs are strong lions or have lots of lion in them

Natural Strengths

  • Decisive
  • Goal-oriented
  • Achievement driven
  • Risk-taker
  • Gets results
  • Independent
  • Takes initiative
  • Efficient
  • Takes charge
  • Self-starter
  • Persistent
  • Competitive
  • Enjoys challenges, variety and change
  • Driven to complete projects quickly and effectively.

Natural Weaknesses

  • Impatient
  • Demanding
  • Impulsive
  • Blunt
  • Poor listener
  • May view projects as more important than people
  • Can be insensitive to the feelings of others
  • May “run over” others who are slower to act or speak
  • Fears inactivity, relaxation
  • Quickly bored by routine or mechanics

Basic Disposition:
Fast-paced, task-oriented.

Motivated by:
Results; challenge, action, power, and credit for the achievement.

Time Management:
Lions are focused on the NOW and not the distant future. Lions accomplish a lot more in a shorter time period than their peers. They hate wasting time and prefer to get right to the point.

Communication Style:
Excellent at initiating communication, but not great at listening (one-way communicator).

Decision Making:
Impulsive; takes quick decisions keeping the end goal in mind. Result-oriented. Needs very few facts in order to make a decision.

Under Pressure or Tense Situations:
Takes command and becomes autocratic.

Lion’s Greatest Needs:
The lion must see results, have variety, and be able to face new challenges. He wants to find solutions and direct answers to problems.

What the Lion Desires:
Freedom, authority, variety, difficult assignments, and an opportunity for advancement.



The Otter is a fun-seeking cheerleader who loves to talk and is excitable. They are great at motivating others. Otters need to be in an environment where they can talk and have a vote on important decisions. They are great at networking because of their outgoing nature. They often know many people who know many people. They are very supportive and loving, but they can become aggressive when under pressure. They desire to be liked and love being the center of attention. They pay attention to fashion, clothes, flash, and style. Most people love being around otters. They are the life and soul of any party.

Natural Strengths

  • Enthusiastic
  • Good Communicator
  • Outgoing
  • Emotional and Passionate
  • Personal
  • Motivational and Inspirational
  • Optimistic
  • Dramatic
  • Fun-loving

Natural Weaknesses

  • Not detail-oriented
  • Unrealistic
  • Impulsive
  • Disorganized
  • Excitable
  • Reactive
  • Can be too talkative
  • Listens to feelings above logic

Basic Disposition:
People-oriented. Fast-paced.

Motivated by:
Recognition and approval from others.

Time Management:
Otters are focused on the future and tend to be quick to grab the next exciting thing.

Communication Style:
Otters are stimulating and enthusiastic, often one-way. However, they can inspire and motivate others.

Decision Making:
Fast and intuitive. Otters make many “right calls” but also lots of mistakes.

In Pressure or Tense Situations:
The otter attacks. They are more concerned with their popularity than achieving tangible results.

Greatest Needs:
The otter requires social activities, recognition, fun activities, and freedom from details.

What the Otter Desires:
Prestige, friendship, a chance to help and motivate others, and opportunities to verbally share their ideas.

Golden Retrievers

golden retriever

These people can be described in one word: LOYAL. They are so loyal that they can withstand the worst of emotional pain and punishment and still remain committed. They are great listeners, empathetic, and encouragers. They can be so pleasant that they have difficulty asserting themselves in situations or relationships when they are needed.

Natural Strengths

  • Easy-going
  • Patient
  • Compassionate
  • Team player
  • Empathetic
  • Stable
  • Sensitive to feelings of others
  • Puts people above projects
  • Tremendously loyal
  • Dependable
  • Compassionate
  • Supportive
  • Reliable
  • Agreeable

Natural Weaknesses

  • Indecisive
  • May sacrifice results for the sake of harmony
  • Over-accommodating
  • Avoids confrontation even when needed
  • Slow to initiate
  • Fears change
  • Tends to hold grudges and remember hurts inflicted by others

Basic Disposition:
People-oriented, slow-paced.

Motivated by:
Desire to have good relationships and be appreciated by others.

Time Management:
Golden Retrievers are very present-oriented and spend a lot of time helping others and building relationships.

Communication Style:
Two-way communicator; excellent listener and provides an empathetic response.

Decision Making:
Slow in making decisions and seeking input from others often yield to the input.

In Pressure or Tense Situations:
Often too tolerant. The Golden Retriever gives in to the opinions, ideas, and wishes of others.

Greatest Needs:
The Golden Retriever must have security, stability, gradual change, time to adjust to it, and an environment free of conflict.

Security; quality relationships; consistent known environment; a friendly and relaxed environment; freedom to do work at own pace.



Beavers have a strong desire to do things right and by the book. They are the type of people who will actually read instructions manuals. They excel at providing quality control in an office and will provide accurate information in any field or situation that requires accuracy, such as engineering or accounting. They are sensitive to the importance of consistency, rules, and high standards. This can lead them to become frustrated when they encounter others with different characteristics. Their need to be consistent, keep high, and often unrealistic standards can hinder their ability to show warmth in relationships.

Natural Strengths

  • Analytical
  • Accurate
  • Industrious
  • Thoroughness
  • Detail-oriented
  • High standards
  • Orderly
  • Methodical and exhaustive
  • Controlled
  • Intuitive

Natural Weaknesses

  • Overly cautious
  • Too hard on self
  • Perfectionist
  • Too critical of others
  • Too picky
  • Won’t make decisions without “all” the facts
  • Overly sensitive

Basic Disposition:
Task-oriented, slow-paced.

Motivated by:
The desire to maintain quality and be right.

Time Management:
Beavers work slowly in order to be accurate.

Communication Style:
Beavers are excellent listeners and communicate details well. They are also diplomatic.

Decision Making:
Avoids making decisions. Needs a lot of information before making a decision.

In Pressure or Tense Situations:
The beaver will try to avoid stressful situations and pressure. They can ignore deadlines.

Greatest Needs:
The beaver needs security, gradual change, and time to adjust.

Stability, security, clearly defined tasks, low risk, and tasks that require planning and precision.

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