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How To Spot The Signs Of Gaslighting Parents

How To Spot The Signs Of Gaslighting Parents

There are signs of gaslighting parents. It's not just a bad parenting style. This type of emotional abuse can seriously affect a child's success and mental health. You can overcome gaslighting by setting firm boundaries with your parent and drawing an imaginary...

Tips for Dating After a Divorce

Tips for Dating After a Divorce

The process of dating after a divorce can be stressful and challenging. To help you get past this period, try to socialize in groups. Avoid one-on-one contact with people you don't know very well. If you feel compelled to socialize, consider joining a divorce support...

How To Eat Less Sugar

How To Eat Less Sugar

Eating too much sugar can have a devastating effect on your health. So why exactly is eating too much sugar bad? And how to eat less sugar? Why Eating Too Much Sugar Is Bad? Research shows that Americans consume anywhere from 55 to 92 grams of sugar per day,...

How To Move More In Everyday Life. 8 Easy Ideas

How To Move More In Everyday Life. 8 Easy Ideas

It can be challenging to find free time to exercise. Here are some tips on how to move more throughout your day. It's something we all have said, "How do you find time for exercise if you are ... "Simply fill in the blanks: working parent, working night shifts,...

4 Awesome Cold Shower Benefits

4 Awesome Cold Shower Benefits

Any shower with a temperature of less than 70 degrees F is considered cold. Cold shower benefits start with hydrotherapy (also known as water therapy), which uses water to help our bodies adapt to harsher environments. It has been used since ancient times. As a...

10 Proven Positive Effects Of Listening To Music

10 Proven Positive Effects Of Listening To Music

There are a lot of positive effects of listening to music. Music can be a source of entertainment, and even some research has suggested that music might make you healthier. Music can bring you joy and contentment. But there are many other psychological benefits to it....

Smartphone Addiction And How To Overcome It

Smartphone Addiction And How To Overcome It

America's smartphone addiction has even been compared to the obesity epidemic. Smartphones provide an escape to reality, just as gambling or drug addictions. Smartphone addiction can cause severe physical and mental health problems, affect our relationships, and...

Healthy Relationships. 9 Signs Of Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships. 9 Signs Of Healthy Relationships

You and your partner may enjoy going to new restaurants, going on long bike rides, and traveling together. But healthy relationships are more than just sharing common interests. Pixabay What makes healthy relationships?  Jennifer Howell, a relationship coach...

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