Healthy Relationships. 9 Signs Of Healthy Relationships

Apr 13, 2022 | Relationships | 0 comments

You and your partner may enjoy going to new restaurants, going on long bike rides, and traveling together. But healthy relationships are more than just sharing common interests.

Healthy Relationships

What makes healthy relationships?  Jennifer Howell, a relationship coach and leader in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, says that a great relationship is one where both people can love, honor, and respect each other. Healthy relationships are a safe space for both people. You can communicate with the other person your wants, needs, boundaries and listen to the other person.

Healthy relationships are important to cultivate. On the opposite, a toxic relationship can take a toll on your life and cause depression and anxiety, disrupt sleep, lead to unhealthy habits and impact your heart health.

Greater well-being is associated with high-quality romantic relationships. According to a study published by the Personality and Social Psychology journal, being single is more beneficial than being in a bad relationship.

Additionally, unhealthy relationships can be difficult to spot, especially for those who grew up in an environment where this was the norm. So it’s important to understand where your relationship stands.

Here are nine signs that you and your mate make a great match:


You are Not Afraid to Speak Up

It is easy to spot when your partner does something you don’t like. Maybe they don’t call you back for two days or aren’t helping around the house. It can be difficult to let your partner know how you feel. This requires courage, self-confidence, and strength. A healthy relationship will allow you to feel safe enough to share your feelings with your partner.

Trust Is The Core Of A Relationship

Trust is the foundation of all relationships. However, with social media and smartphones, it can be easy to spy on others. You don’t have to do this in a healthy relationship. This is partly because your partner shows that they are trustworthy. They are reliable and available. If they say they will be there, they will be there. They also demonstrate trust in you by giving you the space and freedom you need without constantly checking on you.

Couple hugging

 You Know Each Other’s Love Language

Healthy relationships require you to take the time to understand each other’s “love languages,” and then you can share your love in a way that suits you both (through words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, quality time, or physical touch).

You Agree to Disagree on Certain Issues

All couples fight. But contrary to what many might think, not every problem has to be solved. It’s okay to disagree on a few topics. Sometimes it’s fine to agree to disagree. Healthy relationships have at least five issues that are ‘no talker.’ These are the ones that you differ on, and that’s okay.

You Encourage Each Other to Achieve Your Goals

Many people have a vision or dream for their lives, and especially as we get older, we want to maintain those visions. It is okay for your dreams to not align with one another, as long as you honor and encourage each other to go after your goals.


You and Your Partner Hold Separate Interests

Couples who can keep their interests but don’t put guilt on their partner for not sharing it with them have the best love relationships, which means that you both encourage your partner to discover what interests them on their own. It is easy to adopt your partner’s interests and habits, but becoming too dependent on one another can lead to resentment over time. She says that investing in yourself and self-development builds self-confidence and self-love.

You’re Comfortable in Your Own Skin

It is essential to understand your strengths and weaknesses when you are in a relationship. For example, perhaps you are confident with your friends but self-conscious at work. You might be aware that small things can cause you to panic, such as your partner forgetting the trash can. No matter what your weaknesses and strengths may be, understanding them can help you love and accept yourself.

Boundaries Are Honored and Respected

Healthy relationships mean you are both on the same team. Healthy relationships are ones in which both partners discuss and agree on essential topics that are meaningful to each other, for example, budgeting for a big expense, such as a vacation. In an unhealthy relationship, a partner who is not supportive may not honor this goal. They might even try to make it worse by forcing you to buy unnecessary things. If you can have a conversation with your partner about your concerns and they are open to discussing them, it’s a good sign. But, if your partner continues to ignore what you value, including your boundaries, that is concerning.

Happy couple

You Feel Happy and Supported

When the initial excitement of a relationship ends, take a moment to reflect on your feelings. Are you feeling happy and supported by your partner? How are your self-esteem and mood? Talk to your partner if you feel stressed or lack support. It’s the best thing to do for your health.

Unhappy relationships can lead to serious health problems. A study published in July 2015 by the Journal of Affective Disorders looked at nearly 5,000 adults over the age of 50, found that having frequent negative interactions in a relationship can increase the likelihood of suffering from anxiety and depression. It is also linked to suicidal thoughts.

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