Morning Meditation. 8 Amazing Morning Meditation Techniques

Mar 21, 2022 | Mental Health | 0 comments

Morning meditation is a great way to start your day. It increases positive emotions, reduces stress and anxiety, increases focus, boosts your productivity, and rises your energy levels. It also has a positive impact on relationships with other people.

Meditation has a long-term impact, if you add 20-30 minutes of meditation to your morning routine it will strengthen your brain on a physical level, and make you calm and positive. Recent research has shown that the mental health benefits of meditation surpass those of a vacation.

Even though there are a lot of benefits of meditation and there is a point of meditation, you have to understand that this is a highly complex technique that physically affects the brain and has a lot of side effects. So please, consult with a professional before starting the practice of meditation.

Morning Meditation Techniques


Some morning meditation techniques may not be suitable for you. How to choose a morning meditation technique? Different mindsets and skills are required for these practices. How can you determine which practice is best for you? Which type of meditation is right for you?

Mira Dessy, holistic nutritionist and author of meditation, says, “It’s what feels comfortable and what you feel encouraged to practice”.

Spiritual Meditation

Spiritual meditation can be used in almost all religions and spiritual traditions.

Spiritual meditation can be as varied as the spiritual traditions of the world. Almost all morning meditation techniques listed in this article could be considered spiritual mediation.

2017 study shows that spiritual meditation is about deepening one’s understanding of religious/spiritual meanings and connecting with higher powers.

You can practice spiritual meditation at home or at a place you worship. It is for anyone who wants to choose a morning meditation technique where one wants to grow spiritually and connect with a higher power or force.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation originated from Buddhist teachings. It is one of the most well-researched forms of meditation in the West.

Mindfulness meditation asks you to pay attention and notice your thoughts as they move through your mind. You are not allowed to judge thoughts or get involved in them. Instead, you observe the patterns and make notes.

This practice combines awareness and concentration. For example, it may be helpful to concentrate on an object or your breathing while you observe any bodily sensations or thoughts.

Try this meditation if you want to choose a morning meditation technique if you don’t have a teacher. It can be done easily alone.

Focused Meditation

focused meditation

Focused meditation is based on any of the five human senses.

You can either focus on something internal, such as your breath, or bring in external influences to help you focus.

Here are a few examples:

  • Staring at a candle flame
  • Listening to a gong
  • Moongazing
  • Counting your breaths

Although this practice looks simple, it can be challenging for beginners to keep their attention for more than a few seconds.

You can always return to the practice and refocus if your mind wanders.

If you want to choose a morning meditation technique to sharpen your focus and concentration, this form of meditation will be a great choice.

Movement Meditation

While most people associate yoga with movement meditation, other practices may be used.

  • Tai chi
  • Qi gong
  • Walking
  • Gardening
  • Washing dishes

Other gentle forms of movement

Active meditation is a form of meditation that involves movement. It guides you to a deeper connection with your body and the moment.

You should try this meditation if you want to choose a morning meditation technique where you can find peace in your actions and increase body awareness.

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental meditation (TM) is a subject of many studies within the scientific community.

TM was created by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It refers to a particular practice that calms the mind and instills peace and calm. This practice involves using mantras and should only be taught by a certified TM practitioner.

Suppose someone’s goal is to choose a morning meditation technique to access the depth that meditation offers. This practice is an easy way to do it.

Mantra Meditation

mantra meditation

Mantra meditation is a prominent teaching in many traditions, including Buddhism and Hinduism. To clear your mind, this type of meditation uses repetitive sounds. You can use a phrase, a word, or a sound. The most popular being “om”.

You can either speak your mantra loudly or silently. Chanting the mantra for a while will make you more aware and more in tune with your surroundings. This will allow you to attain deeper levels of awareness.

Mantra meditation as a morning meditation is a popular choice for people who find it easier to concentrate on a word rather than their breath. Others love the sound’s vibration in their bodies.

For people who dislike silence or enjoy repetition, this is a great practice.

Visualization Meditation

Visualization meditation is an approach to enhancing relaxation, peace, calmness, and well-being by visualizing positive scenes or images.

This involves vividly imagining the scene and using all five senses to create as many details as possible. You can also hold a loved or honored figure in your mind and try to embody their qualities.

Another type of visualization meditation is to visualize yourself succeeding in specific goals. This can help you increase your focus and motivation.

Visualization meditation is a popular way to improve your mood, decrease stress levels and find inner peace. Remember to choose a morning meditation technique based on what you want to practice and what feels best for you.

Progressive Relaxation

Progressive relaxation, also known as body scan meditation, is a technique that promotes relaxation and reduces tension in the body.

This form of meditation often involves tightening and relaxing one muscle at a time throughout the body.

It may be helpful to visualize a gentle wave moving through your body to release tension.

This type of meditation can reduce stress and clear your mind.


The Bottom Line

Many morning meditation techniques can help you relax or attain spiritual enlightenment.

You don’t have to be afraid of trying different types of meditation. It takes time and trial to find and choose a meditation technique.

Meditation is not meant to be forced. It becomes a chore if we push it. However, regular, gentle practice can eventually lead to sustaining, supportive and enjoyable results.

Open your mind to all possibilities and get benefits from meditation. There are many types of morning meditations, so if one doesn’t work or doesn’t feel right for you, try another.

morning meditation

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