How To Quit Porn. 8 Easy Steps You Can Do To Beat The Addiction

Mar 18, 2022 | Mental Health, Relationships | 0 comments

porn addict

Porn watching can indicate a healthy sexual appetite. But if you are watching porn excessively, this could indicate that you may have a problem with porn addiction. Below you will find out how to quit porn and how to overcome addiction if you suspect you may be suffering from it.

Signs of a Porn Addiction 

One might develop a porn addiction if they have an insatiable urge to watch porn any time and anywhere, even when it might not be appropriate.

Here are five signs of porn addiction:

  1. It’s difficult to stop watching porn, even if you want to.
  2. You feel immense guilt or shame over the amount of time and effort you have spent watching porn.
  3. You lose focus on your work and relationships because you want to spend all of your time watching porn.
  4. It is difficult to enjoy sex without porn.
  5. Watching porn can interfere with your day-to-day functioning, as you notice.

Understand Why You Are Quitting

understanding why

You don’t necessarily have to have a severe porn addiction to make the decision to quit porn. You might be doing it for religious or ethical reasons. You may also be doing this to avoid a relationship breakup or no longer want to watch porn.

It is important to understand why you are quitting porn. This will help you stay accountable when you feel tempted to watch it.

Continue reading this article and find out how to quit porn.

If You Have a Problem, Accept It

You could have serious porn addiction if you experience any of the signs listed above.

People often keep their porn addiction problems to themselves because they fear being judged by society. But, you’re not alone. 

How to Quit Porn on Your Own. Or Should You See a Professional?


Here are eight steps you can do to quit porn on your own:

  1. All electronic porn and bookmarks must be deleted
  2. You can have someone else install anti-porn software on your electronic devices, without giving you the password.
  3. All hard-copy porn should be thrown out.
  4. Avoid triggers if there are any.
  5. Plan. Choose another activity to do when the urge strikes.
  6. If you want to watch porn, think about how it has impacted your life. Write it down if it helps.
  7. Find a partner who will question you about your porn behavior and hold yourself accountable.
  8. Keep a log to keep track of setbacks, reminders, or other activities that work.

What Treatment Options Are Available?

Seek a therapist to talk through your concerns. They will be able to create a personalized treatment plan that will help you to quit porn.

How to Quit Porn With a Help of Therapy

If you are wondering how to quit porn, a mental health professional can help you if you suspect you may have a compulsion, addiction, or other mental disorders. This is important if you suffer from depression, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Your therapist will recommend individual, group, or family counseling depending on how porn has affected your life.

Do not trust therapists who claim they are experts in diagnosing or overcoming porn addiction. It is difficult to “specialize in” a disorder without a professional agreed-upon definition.

Counseling sessions will help to identify the root cause of the compulsion. Your therapist can help develop effective coping methods to change your relationship with pornographic materials. This will answer your “how to quit porn” question.

Join a Support Group

support group

support group will help you to understand that you’re not alone in this, other people want to find out how to quit porn too. Watching porn is not a habit you wish to stop but an addiction; it can help you get started on your recovery and eventually to quit porn.

Support groups allow you to talk about your pornography struggles anonymously and receive support from people going through the same thing.



Talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are common treatment options for behavioral addictions. However, your doctor may recommend medication if you have OCD, depression, or other conditions.

Don’t Let Yourself Get Down if You Fall Off the Wagon

It is difficult to overcome a bad habit or get over an addiction. You might fall back into old patterns while on this journey. Don’tbeat yourself up if that happens.

Do your research and explore other coping methods and treatment options. Then, get back on the horse and overcome porn addiction. Remember that a lot of people are wondering how to quit porn. You are not alone, don’t give up!

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