Porn Addiction: Discover 4 Causes Of Porn Addiction

Mar 17, 2022 | Mental Health, Relationships | 0 comments

Porn Addiction

Porn addiction refers to a person becoming emotionally dependent on pornography to the point that porn addiction is when a person becomes emotionally dependent upon pornography, and it disrupts their ability to function, live, and have relationships.

This type of addiction could be pretty common. Porn addiction is sometimes called a hypersexual disorder by some doctors. This umbrella term includes excessive masturbation and other sexually-oriented behaviors.

A 2019 study indicates that these disorders could be as high as 3-6%. However, the rates are difficult to calculate because of a lack of formal classification.

It is still a controversial topic, and some research suggests that porn addiction may not be an actual condition.

Continue reading to find out more about pornography addiction.

What is porn addiction?

what is porn addiction

A person with a porn addiction may find that their sex life is becoming less satisfying.
Someone with a severe porn addiction might find their sex life less enjoyable. Addiction refers to a medical condition where the brain and body are affected. It causes the person to feel the need for the substance or the activity, even though it is harmful.

Most addiction research indicates that it activates brain regions associated with motivation and reward. Addiction alters the body’s dopamine system.

A person suffering from addiction will feel an intense dopamine rush when they first use the substance or engage in the behavior. This can cause feelings of pleasure and reward. However, their body might produce less dopamine over time and become dependent on the substance or the behavior for the dopamine rush.

Sex can be a highly rewarding behavior in terms of dopamine. Using pornography may also activate Dopamine-rich activities like sex can be very rewarding. Pornography can activate the dopamine receptors, which could lead to addiction.

Addiction can also affect other parts of the brain. It steadily changes the brain, making it more difficult to resist the addictive substance.

What the research says

porn addiction researche

A 2017 study on males seeking treatment for problematic pornography use (PPU) found that brain changes consistent with addiction were observed in participants. In addition, researchers found that men suffering from PPU had brains that were more addicted than those without.

People’s relationships may be affected by pornography. Research suggests that pornography can lead to unrealistic expectations about sex.

A 2013 study showed that pornography was associated less with sexual satisfaction among heterosexual male participants in couples. However, the reverse was true for female participants: pornography was associated with sexual pleasure.

Accessing pornography can be easy and requires less effort than communicating with a partner. However, some people find this can cause problems in their relationships and lead them to use pornography more to get sexual satisfaction.

Some research does not support the idea that pornography can be addictive. A 2014 study reveals that many studies on pornography addiction were poorly designed and biased. Although there is little evidence supporting a causal link between pornography and its harmful effects, the authors warn that it is unclear.

4 Causes of porn addiction

psychological condition

Because of its controversy, researchers are still trying to figure out the reasons for pornography addiction.

2015 study revealed that the most significant reason for associated distress was believing oneself to have a pornography addiction.

Meanwhile, experts and advocates who endorse the existence of pornography addiction argue that like Experts and advocates for pornography addiction believe that it is a complex problem with many possible causes. These causes could include:

  1. Underlying mental health conditions: people might resort to pornography in order to escape from psychological distress.
  2. Relationship problems: pornography is a way to express sexual dissatisfaction.
  3. Unhealthy cultural norms: ideas regarding how people should act during sex, what types of sex a person should have, and other similar norms that may lead to some people becoming interested in pornography.
  4. Biological reasons: Some biological factors, such as changes in brain chemistry, can increase the likelihood of an addict becoming addicted to porn.

If you suspect you may be suffering from porn addiction, you can read our article on how to quit porn.

4 causes of porn addiction

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